Viruses - Airfree


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  • Introdução


      Viruses and heat inactivation


      While viruses are not considered living organisms by part of the scientific community, they depend upon living cells to replicate.


      The structure of the virus includes an envelope constituted by proteins and genetic material of DNA or RNA. All of these components are thermo-sensible.


      The genetic material and the proteins have complex structuresregulating their function, and any change in this structure may result in a loss of function known as denaturation.


      There are two basic means by which denaturing occurs: a change in PH or temperature.



      Some examples of virus inactivation through heat


      Numerous studies confirm the inactivation of viruses with the application of heat. For example, the HIV virus in the blood will die when exposed to 170,6°F for just 0.006 seconds.


      In another study, the “parvovirus” and “phage phiX174” viruses were completely inactivated when exposed to 217,4°F.


      The SARS and MERS viruses (coronaviruses that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) have temperature sensitive proteins in their envelopes, which can be totally denatured at temperatures above 149°F, and remain inactive5 .

      Similarly, proteins essential for the transmission of the influenza virus are sensitive to temperatures between 131°F and 158°F6.

      In all those cases, the temperatures were below the Airfree’s ceramic core internal temperature of 400º F.



      Airfree TSS technology

      Airfree is a complementary precaution to keep a low level of microorganisms in indoor environments. WHO’s standard recommendations for individual  protection, reducing exposure and cross transmission are to be followed.




      Airfree cannot warrant that all room viruses will be destroyed before being inhaled.

      Since 1977, studies have shown that the higher the temperature, the faster the proteins get denatured . Therefore, we may infer that Airfree purifiers are
      effective in the inactivation of viruses proteins in most cases.

      Airfree destroys viruses

      Airfree cannot warrant that all room viruses will be destroyed before being inhaled




      Exclusive Patented Thermodynamic TSS Technology: Airfree’s exclusive and patented Thermodynamic TSS Technology has been independently tested in “real life” working conditions by world renowned institutions and ISO 17025 laboratories in many different countries including the USA, Sweden and Germany. Airfree offers a detailed copy of the independent tests on its website


      NO ozone, NO ions, NO UV light: The Airfree Thermodynamic TSS Technology generates no dangerous emissions, NO ions, NO UV light and NO
      ozone. Independent tests in laboratories in Sweden demonstrate that Airfree actually reduces ozone by 26%.


      No extra costs with filters replacement and maintenance: Airfree does not require any filters or replacement parts, saving you money and time.


      Completely Silent: Airfree technology sterilizes the air with a completely silent operation.


      Low energy consumption: Airfree Thermodynamic TSS Technology does not use filters or fans therefore it has a very low energy


      Small and portable: The Airfree model is small and portable so you can use in different rooms according to your needs.


      Made in Europe: Airfree is manufactured in a modern installation in Europe assuring high quality products.




  • FAQ´S
    •  1. How does Airfree work?

      Airfree destroys microorganisms at its heated capillaries. Contaminated air is dragged into Airfree’s ceramic core by air convection and microorganisms are destroyed at high temperatures regardless of how resistant and dangerous they might be.

      2. Are there any side effects?

      No. Airfree’s new technology uses heat to purify the air. No side effects, no emissions, NO IONS, nor new particles are generated. Airfree® should be used in all homes and offices, quietly, constantly, and efficiently purifying the air.

      3. Does Airfree eliminate bacteria and viruses?

      Yes. Unlike the air filters in the market Airfree® is more efficient with the smallest microorganisms as they are easily carried by Airfree’s airflow into its heated ceramic core.

      4. How does Airfree destroy dust mites?

      Mould reduction in the environment causes reduction in the mould dependant dust mite population. Airfree also destroys the harmful toxins and fungus freed by dust mite feces that trigger respiratory allergies.

      5. How does Airfree eliminate fungi?

      As mentioned before, Airfree eliminates airborne microorganisms included fungi and spores. By eliminating spores new colonies are unlikely to develop, representing less future airborne spores.

      6. How does Airfree® destroy viruses?

      Those microscopic microorganisms are easily eliminated inside Airfree’s ceramic core capillaries. The temperature inside of Aifree’s capillaries is much higher than required to incinerate them. Airfree® is your greatest ally in respiratory disease prevention.

      7. Does Airfree reduce tobacco smell?

      Yes, Airfree reduces any kind of organic smell in the ambience including tobacco.

      8. Does Airfree release any gas or chemical product?

      No. Airfree’s sterilisation process is natural. Please check our website for conclusive tests regarding particles and ozone.

      9. Does Airfree heat up a room?

      No. Airfree does not noticeable increase room temperature. To have an idea 2 Airfrees plugged in the same room will contribute as much heat as the presence of one adult in that same room.

      10. Does Airfree provoke any change in room’s the relative humidity?


      11. Does Airfree need filter replacement?


      12. Does Airfree consume a lot of energy?

      No. Airfree’s consumption is just 45 Watts for P1000, 48 Watts for P2000 and 52 Watts for P3000 Onix.

      13. Where do the microorganisms go after they are destroyed?

      As all living organisms, microorganisms and their products are basically composed by carbon, oxigen and nitrogen. Since Airfree reachs nearly 414F, all the components are supposed to suffer a combustion process, which liberates carbone dioxide (the same product released by our respiration) and water. Some carbon (or ashes) may remain in the process. If there is some residual allergen left, we might consider that they suffer denaturation, a process involving lost of conformation and function. It should be noted that we are talking about reactions that occur in a microscopic level, so all these processes or by-products won’t be perceived. In this case, there is no need to worry about maintenance.

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