air purifier Airfree: hospitals


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  • Introdução
    • Hospital infections
      A serious problem that needs to be solved

      The studies elaborated on Hospital Infections began over 150 years ago with Ignaz Semmelweis and Florence Nightingale, and contributed to the advance of microbiology and prophylactic actions in healthcare environments. But despite the improvement of aseptic practices, the hospital infections are still considered to be a public health problem.

      The direct impacts occur in the mortality rates and costs of hospitalization and treatment. Several studies show that bioaerosols (clusters of micro-organisms suspended in the air) are crucial for the emergence of infections. It is estimated that these are responsible for 10% to 20% of the cases.

      There are many forms of pathogens aerosolization, including through the ventilation system (natural or artificial), water aerosolization, skin scales freed by patients and medical staff and secretion droplets released by cough and sneezes. Researches on this field show that the members of a surgical team can emit from 1.500 to 50.000 bacteria per minute, and those pathogens normally remain in suspension for long periods of time.

      Is better to prevent than to cure

      Hospital infections not only mean high financial costs but can also cost lives. Thus, rather than treating, the prevention of these infections through air purification is shown to be the best fighting strategy, since it is not only cheaper but also more effective.
      As an example, the cost of a single patient's treatment for invasive aspergillosis is equivalent to the purchase of over 160 Airfree® devices for air treatment...

      Some dangerous pathogens:

      *Staphylococcus aureus is one of the greatest responsible for hospital infections. The bacteria resistance to antibiotics is becoming an increasing trend in hospitals. A study conducted over three years in Brazilian states showed the resistance of seven species of bacteria to common antibiotics, including S. aureus and P. aeruginosa.
      Outbreaks of fungal infections have also been demonstrated in various studies.

      *Aspergillus ssp has required special care, since this fungus can be found in virtually all environments, being the air its main route of transmission. Due to the small size of the conidia (spore that exists in fungi), it can stay in suspension in the air for long periods of time, remaining active for months, even in places with low humidity.
      Estimations show that 75% of invasive aspergillosis cases result in death, mainly due to the diagnosis difficulty, besides the low success rate of the treatment (5%), which is also expensive.

      Pure air: fundamental in health spaces!

      Airfree® air purifier has proven its application in reducing the microbial burden present in the air. In twelve tests performed in real usage situations, by independent laboratories (ISO 17025 norm), the percentage of reduction in microbial burden varied from 62% to 99%, and fungal load decreased between 64% and 99%. The reduction average was 82% for bacteria and 86% for fungi.

      Airfree ® patented technology allows the achievement of high percentages of reduction, through trapping and burning of microorganisms at temperatures above 400 º F.

      Other advantages of the device include:

      - Low cost of purchase, maintenance-free, and low power consumption;
      - Ability to eliminate micro-organisms, regardless of their virulence;
      - Eco-friendly;
      - Does not change the temperature of the environment;
      - The only air purifier in the world capable of reducing by 26% the concentration of ozone (O3).

      AIRFREE® characteristics:

      Efficient - Tested and approved in real environments (without simulations) at the world’s best institutes. Airfree® destroys any microorganism that passes through the ceramic steriliser regardless of its dangerousness or size.

      Silent – Absolutely no noise

      Exclusive - Internationally patented technology and Airfree® exclusive, the only one that also reduces ozone concentration.

      Economic - No costs with replacement of parts nor significant power costs because Airfree® has a consumption of only 48 W per hour.

      Convenient - switch the device on and don't worry about it, since it doesn't require maintenance nor cleaning.
  • FAQ´S
    •  1. How does Airfree work?

      Airfree destroys microorganisms at its heated capillaries. Contaminated air is dragged into Airfree’s ceramic core by air convection and microorganisms are destroyed at high temperatures regardless of how resistant and dangerous they might be.

      2. Are there any side effects?

      No. Airfree’s new technology uses heat to purify the air. No side effects, no emissions, NO IONS, nor new particles are generated. Airfree® should be used in all homes and offices, quietly, constantly, and efficiently purifying the air.

      3. Does Airfree eliminate bacteria and viruses?

      Yes. Unlike the air filters in the market Airfree® is more efficient with the smallest microorganisms as they are easily carried by Airfree’s airflow into its heated ceramic core.

      4. How does Airfree destroy dust mites?

      Mould reduction in the environment causes reduction in the mould dependant dust mite population. Airfree also destroys the harmful toxins and fungus freed by dust mite feces that trigger respiratory allergies.

      5. How does Airfree eliminate fungi?

      As mentioned before, Airfree eliminates airborne microorganisms included fungi and spores. By eliminating spores new colonies are unlikely to develop, representing less future airborne spores.

      6. How does Airfree® destroy viruses?

      Those microscopic microorganisms are easily eliminated inside Airfree’s ceramic core capillaries. The temperature inside of Aifree’s capillaries is much higher than required to incinerate them. Airfree® is your greatest ally in respiratory disease prevention.

      7. Does Airfree reduce tobacco smell?

      Yes, Airfree reduces any kind of organic smell in the ambience including tobacco.

      8. Does Airfree release any gas or chemical product?

      No. Airfree’s sterilisation process is natural. Please check our website for conclusive tests regarding particles and ozone.

      9. Does Airfree heat up a room?

      No. Airfree does not noticeable increase room temperature. To have an idea 2 Airfrees plugged in the same room will contribute as much heat as the presence of one adult in that same room.

      10. Does Airfree provoke any change in room’s the relative humidity?


      11. Does Airfree need filter replacement?


      12. Does Airfree consume a lot of energy?

      No. Airfree’s consumption is just 45 Watts for P1000, 48 Watts for P2000 and 52 Watts for P3000 Onix.

      13. Where do the microorganisms go after they are destroyed?

      As all living organisms, microorganisms and their products are basically composed by carbon, oxigen and nitrogen. Since Airfree reachs nearly 414F, all the components are supposed to suffer a combustion process, which liberates carbone dioxide (the same product released by our respiration) and water. Some carbon (or ashes) may remain in the process. If there is some residual allergen left, we might consider that they suffer denaturation, a process involving lost of conformation and function. It should be noted that we are talking about reactions that occur in a microscopic level, so all these processes or by-products won’t be perceived. In this case, there is no need to worry about maintenance.
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