Management Policies

Quality Policy

Customers To ensure customer satisfaction and respect for each of their employees, based on a consistent attitude of innovation and rigor in the development of their products.
Employees Promote the training and motivation of our employees, striving for professional development and teamwork.
Products and services To combine innovative solutions, the best technology, and suppliers, aiming to ensure the optimization of resources used and the development of our activities in a responsible and sustainable way.
Continuous Improvement To ensure the continuous improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the Quality Management System, as well as compliance with applicable legislation and Customer requirements.



Environmental Policy


Taking into account the objectives, context and conditions of the environment in which it operates, Airfree's Top Management is committed to the principles and requirements of the ISO 14001 standard.

With the implementation of the Environmental Management System, we assume the following commitments:

  • Contributing to the protection of the environment, namely to the prevention of pollution;

  • Minimizing the consumption of natural resources by promoting the 4R's philosophy: Rethink, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle;

  • Ensuring effective communication with stakeholders and integrate their relevant needs and expectations into environmental processes;

  • Ensuring the continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System, as well as the fulfillment of its compliance obligations.